- Polly Lunetto
Hope for the hopeless. That's what I kept hearing in my spirit as I spent time with the Lord this morning.
For the last 2 weeks, my dad has been in the hospital in very serious condition. They stabilized him in the ER and from there they admitted him to a room in the hospital. Things were serious enough for the doctor to say that I needed to contact my family. There didn't to appear to be much hope.
As the days went by, my dad made little improvement. I decided to keep myself busy by painting some encouragement cards. I noticed while at the hospital that there was a specific waiting room for were in the Critical Care unit. I felt so much compassion for the families who were gathered around waiting. You could see that they were hanging on to hope just like I was.
I decided to distribute my hand-painted cards in there. I simply sprinkled them around the tables where people would normally reach for a magazine. Each day I'd peek in to see how many were taken. I loved the idea that people were being comforted in a small way.
As the days went by, my dad made small improvements. He was finally discharged yesterday and we are so grateful. There is an enormous amount of power that is released when you speak faith-filled words over a situation. As Believers in Jesus Christ, we carry the authority to lay hands on the sick with the expectation that they WILL be healed. If you would like to know about this please contact us. We'd love to share this Free Gift with you.
Here are some suggestions
Make some cards
Make a phone call
Invite someone to coffee, breakfast, lunch or dinner
Bake some cookies
Make dinner for and individual or family
Go to the market
You get the idea!
Post in the comment section below and let us know what you did to encouraged someone.
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